Monday, May 12, 2008

A Call for Chivalry

At the beginning of every month I make a big trip to Super Walmart to stock up on groceries for the month. Inevitably, two huge bags of dog food to feed our sweet and large chocolate labs are on the list. I am starting to get the hang of wrestling a 25lb bag of dog food onto the bottom rack of the shopping cart (or "buggie" as they call it here) without it rolling away. As I wheel my purchases out to the car, I always feel a twinge of frustration as I struggle to get the big bags from the bottom of the cart into my trunk as many men walk by and watch me struggle. Where have all the cowboys gone? Where have the gentlemen gone!? Well, they sure don't go to Walmart at the same time that I go! I have even contemplated going to Brookshires (a more upscale Texas grocery store just down the street from my apartment) just to have the bag boy walk me out to my car and assist me with the lifting. I must say that my wonderful husband is always eager and ready to carry the bags of food in when I get home and I am sooo grateful! Cowboy found!

I ventured out on just such an endeavor this weekend, and today have a kink in my back. I think we have ruled out kidney stones - don't have any other related symptom - thank goodness! But I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the dog food....

1 comment:

Amy Middleton said...

ok that is WAY too funny! I had no idea you posted this! We must be on to something here! haha! Great post!