Sunday, May 25, 2008

Movie Review

One of my favorite pass times is watching movies. I've seen many movies, and know a good one when I see it. For example: You've Got Mail - great movie. I watch it all the time! Now, my former co-workers at Starbucks did not find the value in my movie taste, but that did not crush my love for critiquing!
Today I went with some friends to see the new Indiana Jones movie - The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - loved it! It kept my attention all the way through, delivered on humor, and Harrison Ford is in amazing shape for a man his age! I don't know how he can roll around and jump and all those things after all these years.

I also rented the movie Over Her Dead Body from the Red Box. Wow, not even worth the dollar I spent to rent it. Not entertaining, not believable, nothing really redeeming about it. Not funny, no warm fuzzies. Not recommended.

If you have any movies to recommend to me, please let me know!


Bonnie Janelle said...

Thanks for the reviews. Have you seen ironman? I had a feeling that Dead Body movie was going to suck...glad someone else found out before I took that chance. Miguel and I are still trying to figure out a good time to see Indiana Jones...can't wait!

Jessica said...

Hey Erin! I found your blog through bonnie's. I'm so glad you liked the new indiana jones movie. chris and i are hoping to see that one soon...when we can find a babysitter :) Can't wait to read more of your blog!